
News & Events

December 17, 2024
Quebec City, December 17th, 2024 – Aramis Biotechnologies Inc. ("Aramis"), a Quebec City-based company specialized in plant-based biomanufacturing of innovative vaccines, and Biodextris Inc. (“Biodextris”), a Montreal-based CDMO specialized in cGMP complex biologic products, are excited to announce the signature of an agreement. This strategic partnership will leverage the expertise of both companies to ensure efficient downstream manufacturing of clinical materials for Aramis’ leading product candidate, a seasonal influenza vaccine with the potential to improve the protection of at-risk populations. Under the terms of the agreement, Biodextris will provide Aramis with access to its state-of-the-art facilities and industry-leading capabilities to ensure the timely production of high-quality materials for Aramis’ forthcoming Phase 1 & 2 clinical trials. The downstream manufacturing agreement marks an important milestone in the ongoing collaboration between Aramis and Biodextris, combining cutting-edge science and manufacturing excellence to drive success in clinical development. "We are delighted to be working with Biodextris as partner for downstream manufacturing and supply of clinical material" said Aramis’ Co-founder & CEO, Frédéric Ors. "This partnership is aligned with Aramis’ business model to use the best external expertise and capabilities, and prepare operations scale-up for potential pandemic response. From the initial proposal through to the extensive collaboration to date, we’ve been impressed by Biodextris’ partnership-centric approach to identifying and solving technical challenges, as well as their commitment to the highest quality standards, making them an ideal partner for clinical-scale production of our influenza vaccine candidate.” "It’s a pleasure to be chosen as Aramis’ development and downstream manufacturing partner in their mission to revolutionize vaccines” says Cédric Héroux, Biodextris’ GM. “The Aramis team’s deep scientific expertise and passion for health impact, both in Canada and at a global level, has resonated deeply with Biodextris since the start of our collaboration, and we look forward to working with them to make these vaccines accessible to patients.” About Aramis Biotechnologies Based in Quebec City, Aramis Biotechnologies is a Canadian company founded in 2023 that specializes in plant-based production of innovative vaccines. As a majority employee-owned company, our ambition is to develop innovative and sustainable solutions to current and future public health challenges. The Aramis’ team is grateful for the support from Innovation, Sciences and Economic Development Canada and from the City of Quebec. About Biodextris Inc. Biodextris is a cGMP complex biologics CDMO with over 20 years’ experience in the development, GMP manufacturing, and bioanalysis of high-value complex biologic products. With customers ranging from the largest global Biopharmaceutical companies to university spin-outs, Biodextris is the partner of choice for innovative Biotechnology companies with novel or complex processes looking to accelerate their path to clinic & commercialization. Biodextris’ new center of excellence in Laval, supporting customers in manufacturing and analysis from pre-clinical development through to commercialization, was developed with the support of the governments of Quebec and Canada, as well as Investissement Québec. For more information:
December 17, 2024
Québec, le 17 décembre 2024 - Aramis Biotechnologies Inc. (« Aramis »), une entreprise de Québec spécialisée dans la production de vaccins innovants produits dans les plantes, et Biodextris Inc. (« Biodextris »), un CDMO de Montréal spécialisé dans les produits biologiques complexes conformes aux BPF, sont heureux d'annoncer la signature d'une entente. Ce partenariat stratégique s'appuiera sur l'expertise des deux sociétés pour assurer une fabrication en aval efficace du matériel clinique pour le produit candidat principal d'Aramis, un vaccin contre la grippe saisonnière ayant le potentiel d'améliorer la protection des populations à risque. Selon les termes de l'accord, Biodextris fournira à Aramis l'accès à ses installations de pointe et à ses capacités industrielles de premier plan afin d'assurer la production en temps voulu de matériel de haute qualité pour les prochains essais cliniques de phase 1 et 2 d'Aramis. L'accord de fabrication en aval marque une étape importante dans la collaboration en cours entre Aramis et Biodextris, combinant science de pointe et excellence de la production pour assurer le succès du développement clinique. « Nous sommes ravis de travailler avec Biodextris en tant que partenaire pour la fabrication en aval et l’approvisionnement de matériel clinique », a déclaré Frédéric Ors, cofondateur et chef de la direction d'Aramis. « Ce partenariat s'inscrit dans le modèle d’affaires d'Aramis, qui consiste à utiliser les meilleures compétences et capacités externes, et à préparer la mise à l’échelle des opérations en vue d'une éventuelle réponse à une pandémie. Depuis la proposition initiale jusqu'à la collaboration approfondie à ce jour, nous avons été impressionnés par l'approche centrée sur le partenariat de Biodextris pour identifier et résoudre les défis techniques, ainsi que par son engagement à respecter les normes de qualité les plus élevées, ce qui en fait un partenaire idéal pour la production à l'échelle clinique de notre candidat-vaccin contre la grippe. » « C'est un plaisir d'être choisi comme partenaire d'Aramis pour le développement et la fabrication en aval dans sa mission de révolutionner les vaccins », déclare Cédric Héroux, directeur général de Biodextris. « L'expertise scientifique approfondie de l'équipe d'Aramis et sa passion pour l'impact sur la santé, tant au Canada qu'au niveau mondial, ont trouvé un écho profond auprès de Biodextris depuis le début de notre collaboration, et nous sommes impatients de travailler avec eux pour rendre ces vaccins accessibles aux patients. » À propos d’Aramis Biotechnologies Basée à Québec, Aramis Biotechnologies est une entreprise canadienne fondée en 2023 qui se spécialise dans la production de vaccins innovants produits dans les plantes. En tant qu’entreprise à capital majoritairement détenu par nos employés-actionnaires, notre ambition est de développer des solutions novatrices et durables pour répondre aux défis de santé publique actuels et futurs. L'équipe d'Aramis est reconnaissante du soutien apporté par Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada et par la Ville de Québec. À propos de Biodextris Inc. Biodextris est un CDMO de produits biologiques complexes conformes aux BPF avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le développement, la fabrication BPF et la bioanalyse de produits biologiques complexes de grande valeur. Avec des clients allant des plus grandes sociétés biopharmaceutiques mondiales aux entreprises dérivées d’universités, Biodextris est le partenaire de choix pour les sociétés de biotechnologie innovantes avec des processus nouveaux ou complexes qui cherchent à accélérer leur chemin vers la clinique et la commercialisation. Le nouveau centre d'excellence de Biodextris à Laval, qui soutient les clients dans la fabrication et l'analyse depuis le développement préclinique jusqu'à la commercialisation, a été développé avec le soutien des gouvernements du Québec et du Canada, ainsi que d'Investissement Québec. Pour plus d’informations:
Biodextris Inc. inaugure ses nouvelles installations en plein cœur de la Cité de la Biotech à Laval
By Philippe Beland October 9, 2024
Laval, le 4 octobre 2024 – En présence d’Annie Koutrakis, députée de Vimy et secrétaire parlementaire de l’honorable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, ministre du Tourisme et ministre responsable de Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec, de Christopher Skeete, ministre délégué à l’Économie, ministre responsable de la Lutte contre le racisme et ministre responsable de la région de Laval, et de Guylaine Rose, directrice régionale de Laval et l’Outaouais d’Investissement Québec, Biodextris Inc. est fier d’inaugurer aujourd’hui ses tout nouveaux laboratoires situés en plein cœur de la Cité de la Biotech à Laval. Ces nouvelles installations sont le fruit d’investissements de près de 25 millions de dollars et marquent le début d'une nouvelle ère pour l’entreprise québécoise spécialisée dans le développement, la fabrication clinique et le conditionnement (CDMO), à l’échelle industrielle, de vaccins et de produits biologiques, au service des biotech et entreprises pharmaceutiques. « C’est avec une immense fierté que nous inaugurons ces nouvelles installations. Ce déménagement représente bien plus qu’un simple changement de lieu ; il symbolise notre engagement envers l’innovation et notre volonté de continuer à grandir tout en restant fidèles à notre approche client centrée sur les relations humaines », a déclaré Cédric Héroux le directeur général de Biodextris. Fondée en 2015, Biodextris Inc. est le résultat de l'initiative de trois scientifiques entrepreneurs québécois. À la suite de la fermeture du centre de recherche de l’entreprise GSK et partis de l’héritage de cette dernière, les fondateurs ont choisi de persévérer et de poursuivre certaines opérations, ici au Québec, afin d’y maintenir des emplois de qualité. Aujourd’hui, Biodextris Inc. compte plus de 40 employés et se distingue par son professionnalisme, une approche personnalisée envers ses clients et sa capacité à travailler avec des produits complexes. La pandémie, en recentrant l'attention sur les vaccins et les traitements issus de la biotechnologie, a permis de stimuler une phase d'expansion pour l'entreprise. Cet important développement illustre le parcours remarquable de Biodextris, axé sur l'excellence et l'engagement, dont la contribution à la croissance de l'industrie des sciences de la vie au Québec est au cœur de sa mission. Situé au cœur de la Cité de la Biotech de Laval, le bâtiment existant a été aménagé sur mesure pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de Biodextris Inc. Le projet a reçu un soutien de 4 millions de dollars dans le cadre du programme ESSOR, administré par Investissement Québec à titre de mandataire du gouvernement du Québec, et de 3 millions via les fonds propres d’Investissement Québec. À ces aides financières s’ajoute un montant de 900 000 $ du gouvernement du Canada via Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec (DEC). « Investissement Québec est fier de soutenir les entreprises qui contribuent à renforcer l'écosystème des sciences de la vie au Québec. Le projet de Biodextris illustre ce que peut accomplir une entreprise lorsque l'innovation et la croissance sont au cœur de sa mission. Cette expansion permettra non seulement d'accroître la productivité de l’entreprise, mais aussi de répondre à un besoin stratégique au sein de notre économie. » - Bicha Ngo, présidente-directrice générale d’Investissement Québec. Les différents investissements permettront entre autres à Biodextris Inc. de non seulement quadrupler sa capacité de production, avec une expansion de la superficie de 8 000 à 32 000 pieds carrés, mais également d'augmenter son effectif de 44 à 65 employés d'ici trois à cinq ans. Enfin, cette expansion permettra l'ajout d'une toute nouvelle division dédiée au développement et à la fabrication de lots cliniques de produits biothérapeutiques basés sur la technologie de l'ARN messager et de plasmides. « Notre gouvernement est fier d’investir 4 millions de dollars chez Biodextris pour ses nouvelles installations à la pointe de la technologie. Nous continuerons de soutenir les entreprises d’ici qui font briller le Québec dans le domaine des sciences de la vie », a souligné Christine Fréchette, ministre de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie et ministre responsable du Développement économique régional. « Avec ses infrastructures de qualité et ses professionnels expérimentés, Biodextris contribue au dynamisme des sciences de la vie au Québec. En appuyant l’aménagement de leurs nouveaux locaux, nous renforçons encore la position de Laval comme pôle d’innovation dans ce domaine », a déclaré Christopher Skeete, ministre délégué à l’Économie, ministre responsable de la Lutte contre le racisme et ministre responsable de la région de Laval. « Notre gouvernement s’est engagé à investir pour s’assurer que nos PME demeurent compétitives et innovantes. Grâce à l’appui de DEC, Biodextris pourra augmenter sa capacité de production, améliorer sa compétitivité et continuer de faire innover le domaine des sciences de la vie. Nous sommes là pour appuyer les travailleurs et les PME québécoises et canadiennes en les aidant à bien s’outiller pour bâtir ensemble une économie plus forte, résiliente et durable », a déclaré Annie Koutrakis, députée de Vimy et secrétaire parlementaire de la ministre du Tourisme et ministre responsable de DEC. L’ouverture des nouvelles installations de Biodextris Inc. illustre non seulement le succès de l'entreprise, mais aussi son engagement constant envers l'innovation et l'excellence dans le domaine des sciences de la vie, témoignant ainsi de l'environnement favorable au développement de ce type d'entreprise au Québec. « L'inauguration des nouvelles installations de Biodextris Inc. à Laval est une fierté pour notre ville. Cela démontre notre engagement à soutenir l'innovation et le développement économique dans le secteur des sciences de la vie. Nous sommes ravis d'accueillir cette expansion significative qui renforce notre position en tant que Cité de la Biotech de premier plan », a déclaré Stéphane Boyer, maire de Laval. À propos de Biodextrix Inc. Fondée en 2015, Biodextris Inc, soutenue par Achimed Investisseur mondial dans l’industrie de la santé, fournit des services d’analyse et de développement de processus de fabrication clinique et des tests de contrôle de la qualité pour des clients des industries des vaccins et des produits biologiques. L’entreprise regroupe des scientifiques expérimentés en développement de produits biologiques et les principaux membres de l’équipe ont travaillé ensemble dans des entreprises de développement et fabrication de vaccins de moyenne et grande taille durant près de vingt ans. L’équipe de Biodextris offre son expertise des grandes entreprises pharmaceutiques dans un cadre de fonctionnement plus personnel et interactif à ses clients de tailles diverses. L’entreprise développe, fabrique et teste une large gamme de produits biologiques en vue d’applications vaccinales, pharmaceutiques et autres. Biodextris dispose de l’expérience et de l’expertise nécessaires au développement de produits de haute qualité, robustes et commercialisables, tout en conservant la flexibilité et le sens de l’urgence nécessaires aux petites organisations.
Biodextris Inc. inaugurates its new facilities in the heart of Laval's Biotech City
By Philippe Beland October 9, 2024
Laval, October 4, 2024 – In the presence of Annie Koutrakis, Member of Parliament for Vimy and Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development Regions for Quebec regions, Christopher Skeete, Minister for the Economy, Minister Responsible for the Fight Against Racism, and Minister Responsible for the Laval Region, and Guylaine Rose, Regional Director for Laval and Outaouais at Investissement Québec, Biodextris Inc. proudly inaugurates its brand new laboratories in the heart of Laval's Biotech City. These new facilities, resulting from nearly $25 million in investments, mark the beginning of a new era for the Quebec-based company specializing in the development, clinical manufacturing, and packaging of vaccines and biologics for biotech and pharmaceutical companies. “We are extremely proud to inaugurate these new facilities. This move represents much more than a simple change of location; it symbolizes our commitment to innovation and our desire to continue growing while remaining true to our customer-focused approach centered on human relationships,” said Cédric Héroux, CEO of Biodextris. Founded in 2015, Biodextris Inc. was the initiative of three entrepreneurial scientists from Quebec. Following the closure of GSK's enterprise and leveraging the company’s legacy, the founders chose to persevere and continue certain operations locally, ensuring the retention of high-quality jobs. Today, Biodextris Inc. employs over 40 people and stands out for its professionalism, personalized customer approach, and expertise in working with complex products. The pandemic, which refocused global attention on biotechnology-based vaccines and treatments, spurred the company's expansion. This growth phase reflects Biodextris' remarkable commitment to excellence and its mission to contribute to the advancement of Quebec’s life sciences industry. Located in the heart of Laval’s Biotech City, the custom-designed facility was built to meet Biodextris’ specific needs. The project received $4 million in support from the ESSOR program, administered by Investissement Québec on behalf of the Government of Quebec, along with an additional $3 million directly from Investissement Québec. Furthermore, the Government of Canada, through CED, is providing $900,000. “Investissement Québec is proud to support companies that strengthen Quebec’s life sciences ecosystem. Biodextris' project illustrates what can be achieved when innovation and growth are at the heart of a company’s mission. This expansion will not only boost the company’s productivity but also address a strategic need within our economy,” said Bicha Ngo, President and CEO of Investissement Québec. These investments will allow Biodextris Inc. to quadruple its production capacity, expanding from 8,000 to 32,000 square feet, and increase its workforce from 44 to 65 employees over the next three to five years. Additionally, this expansion will introduce a new division dedicated to the development and production of clinical batches of biotherapeutics, utilizing messenger RNA and plasmid technologies. “Our government is proud to invest $4 million in Biodextris' cutting-edge new facilities. We will continue to support local companies that help Quebec shine in the life sciences sector,” said Christine Fréchette, Minister of the Economy, Innovation and Energy, and Minister Responsible for Regional Economic Development. “With its high-quality infrastructure and experienced professionals, Biodextris contributes to the vitality of Quebec’s life sciences industry. By supporting the development of their new facilities, we are reinforcing Laval’s role as a hub of innovation in this field,” said Christopher Skeete, Minister for the Economy, Minister Responsible for the Fight Against Racism, and Minister Responsible for the Laval Region. “Our government is committed to investing to ensure our SMEs remain competitive and innovative. Thanks to CED’s support, Biodextris will be able to increase its production capacity, improve its competitiveness and continue to foster innovation in the life sciences field. We are here to support workers and Quebec and Canadian SMEs by helping them equip themselves with what they need so that, together, we can build a stronger, more resilient, more sustainable economy,” stated Annie Koutrakis, Member of Parliament for Vimy and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED. The opening of Biodextris Inc.’s new facilities not only illustrates the company’s success but also its ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in life sciences, showcasing Quebec’s supportive environment for the development of such enterprises. “The inauguration of Biodextris Inc.’s new facilities in Laval is a source of pride for our city. It underscores our commitment to supporting innovation and economic development in the life sciences sector. We are thrilled to welcome this important expansion, which further strengthens our position as a leading Biotech City,” said Stéphane Boyer, Mayor of Laval. About Biodextris Inc. Founded in 2015, Biodextris Inc. is a subsidiary of Clean Biologics SAS, which provides clinical manufacturing process analysis and development services and quality control testing for clients in the vaccine and biologics industries. The company is staffed by experienced biologics development scientists, and key team members have worked together in medium and large vaccine development and manufacturing companies for almost twenty years. The Biodextris team provides its extensive pharmaceutical company expertise in a more personal and interactive setting to clients of various sizes. The company develops, manufactures, and tests a wide range of biological products for vaccine, pharmaceutical, and other applications. Biodextris has the experience and expertise to develop high-quality, robust, and marketable products, while acting with the flexibility and sense of urgency required by small organizations.
cGMP biomanufacturing facility Laval
June 5, 2024
Discover Biodextris' new cGMP biomanufacturing and analytical facility. Check out our state-of-the-art capabilities.
February 16, 2024
In the realm of complex biologics development, the integration of Quality by Design (QbD) not only assures product quality but also emerges as a powerful driver for cost reduction and accelerated timelines. A systematic approach to development in biopharma, it emphasizes the integration of quality evaluation at every step, ensuring the production of safer and more effective drugs while optimizing resources. Unlike traditional post-production testing, Quality by Design proactively identifies and adjusts critical parameters and factors involved in development. This brief discussion explores the pivotal role of QbD in achieving these dual objectives. Determining quality target product profile and critical quality attribute is a key to a successful and efficient development. It is important to define quality target product profile (QTPP) and critical quality attributes (CQA) of the product as soon as possible during the development stage. If well defined, the Quality by Design approach will help address issues early in the product development process and prevent failures than will lead to additional cost and delay during advanced stages of the project. At Biodextris, we encourage and guide our client through Quality by Design process to ensure quality, cost optimization and timeline efficiency. Efficiency through Attribute Optimization and precise process control: Quality by Design enables a targeted optimization of critical product quality attributes, streamlining development efforts and reducing the need for extensive trial and error. By enhancing process understanding and control, QbD minimizes variations and deviations in complex biologics production. This precision and efficiency not only ensure consistent product quality but also accelerates the development timeline by avoiding delays associated with troubleshooting and rework. Risk Mitigation for Cost-Efficient Development: Quality by Design systematically identifies and mitigates risks early in the development process. This proactive risk management not only safeguards against potential setbacks but also contributes to cost efficiency by preventing the need for costly corrections later in the development cycle. Regulatory Compliance for Timely Approvals and Adaptability for Faster Life Cycle Management Well defined QbD attributes aligns with regulatory expectations, ensuring that the development process is well-documented and compliant. This adherence expedites regulatory approvals, reducing the time and resources required for navigating the approval process. Furthermore, Quality by Design's emphasis on continuous improvement allows for swift adaptation to changes throughout the product's life cycle. This adaptability reduces the time and costs associated with implementing updates or modifications post-launch. For Biodextris, Quality by Design is not only a quality assurance framework but also a strategic ally for reducing costs and accelerating timelines in the development of complex biologics as well as decrease regulatory compliance risks by building product knowledge and understanding. Its systematic approach, from attribute optimization to risk mitigation and formulation efficiency, positions QbD as an indispensable tool for achieving cost-effective and timely success in the competitive landscape of all biologic products development, especially for Complex Biologics. Contact us to see how Biodextris and Quality by Design can help you bring your innovation to life and follow our next newsletters for more details the QbD tools we use to improve your projects.
October 24, 2023
In the landscape of the biopharmaceutical industry, the partnership between a biopharma sponsor and its biologics Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (biologics CDMO) has become more than a simple business arrangement and has transformed into a strategic collaboration characterized by flexibility and adaptability. Historically, biopharma companies have had to contract very large projects out to biologics CDMO meaning they would commit large financial and organisational resources, which did not always match investment cycles. Today, the industry and its biopharma CDMOs are recognizing the benefits of segmenting projects and costs, aligning them with funding phases and thus optimizing resources while fostering innovation. Biodextris: at the heart of a multi-expertise CDMO organization With extensive development and manufacturing capacities, biologics CDMO Biodextris has accompanied this change with strong, project-based partnerships with the biopharma industry. As part of the Clean Biologics group , Biodextris is also at the heart of a multi-expertise organization, thus enhancing the capacity to coordinate overall biopharma CDMO capacities while keeping a segmented approach. Aligning organisational resources with funding cycles to mitigate risk and foster innovation Biopharma projects typically go through several funding cycles, covering discovery and R&D, clinical trials and commercialization, and which require support from biopharma CDMOs and CROs. This includes sometimes long analytical, development and biomanufacturing phases requiring a sizable financial commitment. A flexible approach to biologics CDMO collaboration aligns costs with these funding phases ensuring that financial resources are used efficiently. Additionally, this strategy contributes to overall risk mitigation: the development cycle of a biopharma substance is rife with uncertainties, including regulatory changes, market dynamics, and technical advancements. Flexibility in biologics CDMO partnerships allows biopharma companies to adapt to these pitfalls and hurdles more efficiently. With a keen understanding of the biopharma dynamics and its privileged position within a biologics CDMO group, Biodextris optimizes resources for sponsors by reducing organisational burdens: this leaves our partners with more time and resources for their core and strategic activities including discovery, R&D and business development.
By Cedric Heroux June 6, 2023
Boston, MA, June 5, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Calder Biosciences Inc., a molecular engineering and clinical manufacturing-stage biotechnology company pioneering its 3D-Vaxlockä platform technology to engineer and develop novel protein subunit vaccines, today announced a clinical supply agreement with Biodextris Inc. Under the agreement, Calder Biosciences will evaluate DT-preF, its lead candidate in the development of a vaccine to prevent acute lower respiratory infections caused by the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), as part of a Phase I clinical trial that will include an efficacy read-out. Preclinical studies are designed to assess the toxicity and tolerability of the lead candidate vaccine. The preclinical study will begin in Nov and the Phase 1 clinical study will begin in H1 2024. Calder Biosciences’ CEO, Chris Marshall, remarks: “We are truly excited to be working with the Biodextris team to bring our RSV vaccine candidate into production, featuring our novel manufacturing process. This represents the first of a series of conformationally locked protein subunit vaccines with greatly improved safety and potency.” "We are delighted to have signed this agreement with Calder Biosciences. It represents an important contract for Biodextris, as this work will be the first to be carried out by our production and development teams in our new industrial-scale vaccine and biologics development, manufacturing and packaging plant (CDMO)” says Alain Carrier, General Manager of Biodextris. The new Biodextris biomanufacturing centre (cGMP) and its analytical capabilities was developed with the support of the governments of Quebec and Canada and Investissement Québec. Today's announcement was made at the 2023 BIO International Convention, which is being held in Boston, MA, from June 5 to 8. About Biodextris Inc. Founded in 2015, Biodextris is a subsidiary of Clean Biologics SAS, which provides clinical manufacturing process analysis and development services and quality control testing for clients in the vaccine and biologics industries. The company is staffed by experienced biologics development scientists, and key team members have worked together in medium and large vaccine development and manufacturing companies for almost twenty years. The Biodextris team provides its extensive pharmaceutical company expertise in a more personal and interactive setting to clients of various sizes. The company develops, manufactures, and tests a wide range of biological products for vaccine, pharmaceutical, and other applications. Biodextris has the experience and expertise to develop high-quality, robust, and marketable products, while acting with the flexibility and sense of urgency required by small organizations. About Calder Biosciences Inc. Founded in 2018, Calder Biosciences is a New York City-based, privately held, clinical manufacturing-stage biotechnology company with financial backing from SOSV, a global venture capital firm. Calder is developing next-generation protein subunit vaccines. Calder’s proprietary 3D-Vaxlockä technology locks proteins in the conformation that most prominently exposes sites of vulnerability and elicits substantially amplified and focused, neutralizing antibody responses, along with strong T cell responses. These responses are expected to improve both protection and safety. Better stability also substantially reduces cold chain requirements and spoilage. Calder’s lead, 3D-Vaxlock’d RSV vaccine is entering clinical development. For more information:
Biodextris commissions a custom-designed cGMP biomanufacturing and analytical facility
By The Website Store September 14, 2022
We are proud to announce that Biodextris has commissioned a dedicated 30,000 sq.ft. custom-designed cGMP biomanufacturing facility including development and analytical capabilities to cater to growing demands. The bioprocessing building includes: 6,000 sq.ft. segregated cGMP biomanufacturing suites 2,500 sq.ft. controlled material warehousing 8,000 sq.ft. process development and analytical / QC laboratories Biodextris is well known for its agility and the increase in available cGMP bioproduction suites will allow us to continue to adapt to our growing customer needs. Our production capacity will be expanded by the addition of 200L bioreactors as well as aseptic filling capacity . The new analytical/QC laboratory will benefit from the addition of new equipment to support the increasing number of techniques performed internally as well as to ensure that the latest technologies are available to Biodextris clients. This investment in cGMP biomanufacturing infrastructure and analytical capabilities is a key element of our strategy. It supports our mission as a CDMO to bring innovation to life , by offering our partners and client a facility capable of carrying their projects from early clinical phases to commercial production. This extension of capabilities is also an integral part of the strategy of the Clean Biologics group to propose integrated CDMO services for biopharma sponsors. The newly constructed analytical laboratories and cGMP bioprocessing facility is located in the Cité de la Biotech Laval and is set to be ready for operation during the summer of 2023. Please reach out to the team for additional information.
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